Over 1,65,000 benefit under CLSS vertical of PMAY-Urban in three years

During these three years over 45 lakh dwelling units have been approved for construction. About 27 lakh houses are in various stages of completion with over 8 lakh houses having been already completed during the period.
Over 1, 65, 000 people in urban areas have benefitted from the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) during 2015-18, according to the data made available by the government.
During these three years over 45 lakh dwelling units have been approved for construction. About 27 lakh houses are in various stages of completion with over 8 lakh houses having been already completed during the period.
For the financial year 2018-19, the central government has provided Rs 31,505 crore for PMAY with a provision for additional funding under Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR).
While the budget for the current year had allocated Rs 1,900 crore for the CLSS vertical, there is flexibility provided to draw more funds based on requirement from the earmarked Rs 25,000 crore under EBR.
A mechanism has been devised to optimally utilise the funds under the mission, said the government in a media release.
According to the government, the issue of funding has been sufficiently addressed and there is no shortage of funding under PMAY (Urban) across all the verticals.
source: economictimes