Changed face of real estate Post COVID-19 Pandemic

Almost three quarters after the outbreak of COVID-19 have been passed and thankfully the nation has started to recover from the economic slowdown. Real estate industry plays the vital role in reviving Indian economy as it is the second largest employer of the country. The governmental policies for providing affordable housing in Gurgaon have led many real estate giants to come up with affordable housing projects in Gurgaon. There are many upcoming affordable housing projects in Gurgaon that are being built to ensure every middle class get home of their own.
Let’s analyse the trends in real estate industry for year 2021
Affordable housing
Affordable housing occupies a major share of the real estate sector as the demand for same has grown significantly. Post pandemic scenario has seen a positive response from house hunters and increased interest from end-users is further expected. Corona virus disease has further made people realise the significance of owning a home. The tremendous response to affordable housing projects in Gurgaon is slated for growth in the upcoming year. Many leading small medium real estate companies are coming up with array of affordable housing projects in India, especially in Gurgaon.
Government incentives
The Repo rate cuts along with low home loan interest rates as well as newly announced affordable rental housing policy have opened new ways for the segment. Today’s need of the hour is to fill the void which has been created due to stagnation in the market. If Governmental policies and incentives are implemented with proper planning and timeline, policy measures like single-window clearance would be a great benefit to the entire sector.
Safety to be the new normal
According to the new Corona virus prevention guidelines, complying with all the safety methods will remain a standard in the near future. Considering the wellbeing of the labourers, and workers, strategies such as re-skilling and up-skilling programs, rotation of the workers will be on the rise. The pandemic times have offered us the opportunity to learn new things and use alternative technologies, and it will remain a trend in future also.