Haryana Cabinet Approves Amendment in Affordable Housing Policy 2013

The cabinet meeting of Chandigarh, Dec 23 Haryana Cabinet, that took place under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has approved a proposal for amendment in the Affordable housing Policy 2013 which was notified under section 9-A of Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act 1975 for the purpose of change in Minimum Area limit, Project Area limit as well as Increase in commercial component and Parking provisions.
Going by the amendment, the maximum area limit of project under affordable housing is increased from 10 acres upto 30 acres. Also, the minimum area limit for building Affordable Group Housing Colony has been trimmed down to 4 acres from 5 acres. It is vital to note that the minimum though the minimum area norm is proposed to be lowered from 5 acres to 4 acres yet the colonizer will offer the community building as per the norms prescribed for 5 acres.
Moreover, it has been stated that the community buildings will be provided as per the norms for Internal community buildings according to policy, in case population exceeds 10,000 in a colony. According to the amendment, the commercial area has also been increased to 8 percent from 4 percent of Net Planned Area. In addition, the existing Para 4(iii) of the Affordable Housing Group Policy-2013 might be amended to the effect that, the current provision of 0.5 ECS, Equivalent car space shall continue to remain necessary and non-chargeable. According to the amendment the colonizer will be allowed to offer additional 0.5 ECS parking space per dwelling unit, which is optional, against which it can allot single car parking space for each dwelling unit.
The colonizer will be allowed to recover not more than 5 percent of the flat cost against such allotment of car parking space.