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Affordable Housing Gets a Boost in Budget 2022

Affordable Housing Gets a Boost in Budget 2022

Real estate industry is one of those most affected sectors that witnessed halt in its growth post-pandemic. However, with some policy reforms in place, the real estate sector had high hopes from the Budget 2022. It is safe to say…

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How to Make Affordable Housing Projects Successful

How to Make Affordable Housing Projects Successful

Creating affordability in the residential segment has been a well-intentioned conundrum that Indian developers have been unravelling over the past decade. With tenets of real estate development challenged, hard-earned perspectives have been displaced, and precious learnings from failures have galvanized…

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BUDGET Push for Affordable Housing

BUDGET Push for Affordable Housing

Genuine beneficiaries and end users are now getting their dwelling units under the government’s programme ‘Housing for all by 2022’. If excess government held land is freed up for this purpose and the private sector is involved in the government’s…

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